Thursday, June 30, 2022

Blog Updates coming soon!

Hello again! 

 I’m changing the focus of my blog to write about about ALL adventures in creativity! That means it won’t be solely on crafting and paper crafts. Page headers will change to reflect various new areas of interest. This change is a direct result of requests from family and friends. Apparently many enjoy my musings on life, travel, RVing, gardening, cooking, athletic adventures and more. I don’t think I’m that entertaining but some of you enjoy it so here we go! You can still find me on FB and IG. I’ve let this blog lie idle since 2015, when career, family, and athletic activities took all my time. I retired and find that after 2 years of living the dream- I have more time to revisit this. Honestly, I gave no idea if Blogger is as antique as I am but I’m going to try to breathe life into this blog if it dies what I want. If not, I’ll need to see what blog formats are more current and meet my needs.  So in the meantime, buckle up because we are under construction!